4 highlights from this year’s EphMRA conference in Switzerland

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This year, our colleague Anna Shevalova participated in the EphMRA conference in Basel, Switzerland. From an amazing experience at a 19th Century Church to productive meetings with industry leaders, Anna made the most of the time among healthcare market research influencers.


Here are highlights and media Anna shared with us.


1. Passing out Bazis Health t-shirts


One of the first things Anna did when she arrived in Basel for the conference was to pass out t-shirts. These weren’t just any t-shirts — they were Bazis Health shirts created by our designer Vlad specifically for the event. It was a lot of fun to present the first bath of these shirts to some of the EphMRA attendees (picture of the shirt below):




2. An evening for healthcare research inside a historic church


Not often do you find yourself inside of a historic site, let alone a 19th century church, for a professional work event. But that’s exactly where Anna and other EphMRA attendees found themselves for one of the evening events. The beautiful Gothic-style church building, located in the center of Basel, opened its doors to participants, who had a chance to network inside a truly historic piece of Swiss architecture. Here are a few videos from that night:




3. Connections, connections, connections


One of the most rewarding things about going to EphMRA ever year is reconnecting with our clients. We’re proud to work with them and be able to build strong relationships with the people and organizations we collaborate with. Also, it provides us an opportunity to make news connections and learn from others.



4. Learning about new industry trends


And last, but certainly not least: EphMRA is a place where we learn about healthcare research trends from a global perspective. Anna enjoyed the great variety of papers presented during the conference. It’s encouraging to discover new trends in healthcare research, particularly how the voice of the patient is becoming an increasingly impactful part of what we do. Here are some of the examples of papers presented:


  • At the Boardroom level: Making a difference and having greater impact


This paper provided perspectives on industry developments. Environments (in which we work) are becoming more complex and more niche. Meanwhile, the role of Business Intelligence is to reduce complexity.


  • Health’s Secret Dimension: How understanding culture can transform the perception of pharmaceutical products


This paper showed how understanding the cultural dimension of illnesses will be more important as healthcare becomes increasingly driven by data from patient choice.


  • The future of social listening


The main point of this paper was how the development of social listening leads to access to more data and to an unprecedented depth in understanding audiences.


Here’s to the event and to seeing everyone next year at EphMRA 2019.


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