ESOMAR market research show 2016

Get ready, Market Research Community: The 70th Annual ESOMAR Congress in Amsterdam

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On Monday, Sept. 11, Bazis Group is set to join our global market research colleagues as we begin the 70th annual ESOMAR Congress in Amsterdam, a gathering of research professionals from many countries coming together in the name of market research. ESOMAR is an international organization that represents the interests of data, research and insights professionals.


This year, Bazis Group is doing something really special: We are marking the 70th anniversary as a sponsor the “The Great Bazis Treasure Hunt.” That’s right — we’re sponsoring a treasure hunt around the ESOMAR exhibition hall. It is going to be a lot of fun. Show attendees will have a special code and may win prizes from exhibitors if they have the right numbers. And, we will be raffling off some authentic Russian artwork as part of our Grand Prize raffle.


ESOMAR (which stands for the European Society for Opinion and Market Research) has been near and dear to our journey as a market research firm. Bazis Group was a founding corporate member when ESOMAR introduced its new membership category in 2012 (prior to that membership was only on an individual level).


We were one of just eight companies to pioneer that category, alongside major research firms and partners Altria Client Services, B2B International, BrainJuicer Group, InSites Consulting, MAP Market Research, Psyma and SKIM. Here is more information in a 2012 press release from SKIM about the launch of that new membership program and our collective role in it.
As we get ready for the 2017 Congress, we thought we would share some photos from the most recent shows. We’ll be creating more memories, so be sure to follow our blog and visit our Facebook page for more details from the ESOMAR gathering!

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