Bazis Helps NGO with Research Project Aimed At Parents of Children with Rare Disorder

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Recently, Bazis wrote an article recapping the presentation that we did in partnership with The Parents Project, a non-profit organization, to bring awareness to Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) and educate parents on the disease how to approach it. We have taken it a step further and created an event focusing on educating parents about their children.

The event was open to the public, and we invited parents to drink tea, discuss the research results, and share their experiences. We had a small group attend both in-person and virtually in Russia and the US, where we suggested some steps that parents could take to solve different issues, such as how to approach rehabilitation and several ways to bring awareness to the organization and the disease. The discussion was very successful as parents had many questions about the condition and requested a live session.

Lastly, there are several ways that Bazis helped the Parents Project and advising them to expand their organization by:

  • Increasing their public activity
  • Promoting DMD and normalizing public images of children to bring awareness to them
  • Using social media platforms to strengthen the parent community to find other people who are going through similar situations

They are in the process of connecting with several medical professionals to ask for their input on approaching DMD, along with advice on how to live with it.

This is the type of community-focused research we’re passionate about at Bazis — it is a way to give back and conduct research that provides a lasting impact to those we help. We’ll be continuing to discuss this project and our findings, as well as how this type of healthcare research can be replicated for other rare diseases. So stay tuned!

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