Our Story

At Bazis Americas, we’re a team of passionate, multicultural professionals. We are so different! Yet, united by one mission: to advance medical care and improve lives through strong research and enduring partnerships. Every project is a step towards discovering new ways to improve patient lives and make their quality of life better.


Who We Are

Founded by Michael Ziskelevich and Tatiana Barakshina, Bazis Americas brings together a diverse group of experts from various backgrounds and cultures. Our team includes professionals from America, Eastern Europe, India, China, and beyond. This rich tapestry of perspectives allows us to approach healthcare research with a global mindset.


We are lifelong learners, constantly seeking to grow and develop our skills. Our commitment to excellence involves ongoing professional development, industry involvement, and hands-on experience at all phases of research projects. 


Learn more about who we are and our team’s diverse expertise


Our Culture

At the heart of Bazis Americas is a culture of curiosity, empathy, and innovation. We believe that our work makes a real difference in people’s health by helping the medical field move forward. Everyone in our team is driven to discover and share true stories behind patients’ experiences, translating them into meaningful actions that enhance patient care across many countries.


We celebrate our diversity, learning from each other’s cultures, traditions, and languages. We feel that this makes us emotionally richer every day. We connect deeply with healthcare providers and patients from various backgrounds. We believe that to obtain relevant, often deeply personal insights, researchers must listen, understand, and adapt to every participant.


Explore our unique culture and the values that drive our research


Our Approach

Innovation is at the core of what we do. A new method is on the horizon? Is it tough but worth a try? Bring in on, we say. From rare to more common diseases, our commitment to putting patients first does not change. We involve patients and advocacy groups in our work, ensuring that our research is not only scientifically rigorous but also deeply empathetic.


While we embrace modern tools like AI to enhance our capabilities, we firmly believe in the irreplaceable value of human experience, expertise and insight. At Bazis Americas, we use technology as a tool, but our experience, knowledge, and analytical capabilities are what truly set our research apart.


Discover more about our innovative approaches and read detailed stories on our blog

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