
Bazis Americas’ clients receive advanced primary data analytics and customized reporting from our expert team. These reports bring leadership the data needed to make decisions.

Executive Summary presentations provide a synthesis of most valuable insights, linked to the client’s business decisions and goals, and set the direction for future actions.


In-depth reports provide a comprehensive project view, and typically include external and internal environment analysis, study background, methodological considerations, and detailed findings. These reports are organized by functional areas and by segments.


Customized functional reports distill findings relevant to a specific business function of the client. Often, we are being asked for findings specifically related to product development, sales, and marketing communications. Such reports prioritize the findings most relevant for each functional team within the client’s organization.

We help clients by generating insightful, easy-to-follow, yet deep and sometimes provocative reports. Our analysts are trained in data visualization and storytelling techniques.

We help our clients drive internal transformation by providing reports that can immediately be used to drive change. Bazis Americas employs professional designers to include elements of infographics and find the most revealing ways to present the views of patients and providers.

Some of our team’s favorite reporting techniques that bring the highest value to our partners include:

  • Patient personas
  • Situational vignettes
  • Perceptual mapping
  • Patient journey mapping
  • Market simulations
  • Video and audio quotes
  • Interactive maps
reporting in healthcare marketing research

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