Are my career options limited? They should not be.

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Our research shows that students with special needs aspire to more creative and challenging professions than what school administrators would recommend. Which job will be interesting, AND pay well? Every high school graduate is contemplating this question. And if the student has physical or mental limitations or special needs,...

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Spinal Muscular Atrophy: Society’s and Patients’ view

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August is Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) awareness month. Do you know what SMA is? It is a progressive genetic neuromuscular disorder which is most common among other rare diseasesis currently incurable limits physical abilitiesdoes not affect intelligencemakes patients to be fully dependent on their familiesis carried by...

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Key Takeaways from 2022 Virtual Intellus Summit

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The Bazis team was thrilled to take part in a crucial international event in the healthcare marketing research world, the Intellus Summit 2022. Bazis members, Anna Shevalova, Archana Ramakrishna, and Ekaterina Nemenko presented our findings from ongoing research we've done in parent communities and the...

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What is DMD and how can parents cope with it?

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With rare genetic diseases affecting 5.9% of the world's population, 72% of them are genetic and often developed during childhood. This includes Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, which is also known as DMD. It’s a rare genetic disorder that is usually found in boys aged 3-5 that...

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