Bazis Speaks at The Inaugural Russian Research Week in Moscow

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The first annual Russian Research Week took place on 14-18 March, in Moscow. Researchers from Russia and CIS attended various meetings, conferences, and marketing exhibitions. The participants focused on the challenges and achievements of the marketing research industry in Russia. The Bazis Group team was happy...

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The Body Image Perception

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"The Body Image Perception" is an exciting multi-country project, conceptualized and lead by Bazis Group Associate Director, Anna Shulgina. The project is funded by a grant from The Research Alliance, as part of the Innovation Research Initiative. We are happy to share a brief video...

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Healthcare Research Symposium on Christmas Eve

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Research symposium, held for the second time in 2015, has already turned into a good tradition. Bazis Group leading analysts gathered on Chistmas eve to discuss hot topics in Medical and Healthcare research. Making healthcare mobile Ekaterina presented the results of PWC study that covers the Canadian...

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UK researchers join Bazis in Central London

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Bazis was delighted to host a special event on a sunny October morning in London. Researchers from over 20 UK agencies attended our Discover Russia in London event which was lead by Michael Ziskelevich and Ekaterina Perina. The focus was on informing the local researchers...

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Medical Decision Conference

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The 37th Annual Conference of the Society of Medical Decision Making took place right under the famous Gateway Arch of St. Louis, in the state of Missouri. The conference is unique in the sense that it is a blend of diverse professionals (health scientists, medical doctors,...

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Difficult Medical Choices

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Held annually in the US, the American Marketing Association Summer Educators conference attracts over 1000 academics, educators and practitioners from all over the world. It is one of the leading events for academic research and education in marketing. My research, which focused on the difficult choices...

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Discrete Choice Simulator

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Bazis Group have developed a customized trade off simulator, which allows easy and convenient analysis that our clients can perform on their own once a conjoint/trade off project is completed. The standalone simulator allows our clients to model market dynamics, based on the customer input...

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ESOMAR B2B Forum In Atlanta

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Bazis Group was proud to be a silver sponsor of the B2B ESOMAR Forum which took place in October 2014 in Atlanta, USA. This event was focused on business-to-business research. 10 countries were represented by 70 participants. Tatiana Barakshina, Bazis Group's Managing Partner (pictures), represented Russia...

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Bazis Group Received TRA Innovation Grant

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We’re proud to announce that Bazis Group was chosen as a winner of the Innovation Grant, introduced in 2014 by TRA. The winner was promised a 500 US$ personal 'prize' and financing of the winning team's research activity/method development by the TRA Treasury (see this link for...

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Research Event In Moscow

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Bazis Group took part in the “Best of Russia” conference in Moscow on 23 May, 2014, the 4th consecutive regional ESOMAR conference in Russia. Tatiana Barakshina, Bazis Group Managing Partner, was a Committee Member of the conference. She made a great contribution to the development and...

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